I got invited by one of the boys from the Polo Owners group to come to a *small* cars and cameras midnight meetup in London between Christmas Day and New Years. The plan: hit 6 or 7 different locations with a few cars and capture a shedload of BANGERS.

But in typical Hiss and Rev fashion, it didn't go that way...

So, here's what actually happened: We arrived in St Albans at the 'meeting point' and 9 cars turned up. NINE. How on Earth are you meant to take 9 cars around London and find places to put them all while taking 'on the side of the road' photos. We drove around aimlessly to each location (as if we were actually going to be able to take any photos) and by photo location number 3 we had lost a couple cars who understandably got really annoyed at the lack of organisation and went on their ways home.
Utilising the fact we'd lost a couple cars, we continued on to photo location 3 (a hotel which I forgot to take down the name of, sorry!) and proceeded to capture the above photos. The security guard/doorman wasn't all too happy about it but sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, especially when you're not really harming anyone - though I can see why it might have been a bit of an inconvenience to hotel guests, as Jeremy would say 'Oh no. Anyways...'.

After some shots at the hotel we proceeded to lose yet another few cars on our journey to the Burlington Arcade, where we captured these:
I'm not overly keen on an F87 M2 but I must say, I think it looked stunning in these photos and the Ford came out a treat too! For an extremely unorganised day, I'm content to say we actually drove away with some bangers, what do you think?
Let me know over on Instagram: @TheMadViper

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